Municipal by-laws are public regulatory laws which apply in a given area. Within its jurisdiction and specific to those areas mandated by the higher body, a municipal bylaw is no different than any other law. It can be enforced with penalties, challenged in court and it must comply with all other laws of Ontario and Canada.
Access a list of our most frequently requested by-laws.
County of Lanark ATV By-Law No. 2013-20
If you are looking for a specific by-law, please contact the Clerks Department via email for assistance.
The Township of Beckwith’s By-law Enforcement Officer is assigned to the enforcement of certain By-laws passed by the Council of the Township of Beckwith.
The By-law Enforcement Officer investigates primarily on a complaint based system. The identity of a complainant is kept confidential.
After receiving a complaint the By-law Enforcement Officer will investigate the nature of the complaint in a timely manner and if warranted Orders, Tickets or other Court proceedings may be initiated. However, the primary goal of the By-law Enforcement Officer is to have a property owner or individual in compliance with a By-law and will seek for voluntary compliance by means of education and reasonable time frames to allow for compliance whenever possible.
Please feel free to contact the By-law Enforcement Officer with any questions you might have concerning the By-laws in the Township of Beckwith.
The majority of complaints received by the By-law Enforcement Officer relate to Dogs. We remind all residents that all dogs are to be under the control of their owner at all times and not to be allowed to run at large. This includes dogs which are in the Township visiting or under the temporary care of a person other then their owner. You are also required to clean up after your dog when on public or private property.
In addition to the Animal Control By-law, dog owners can also be held responsible for their pets under the Dog Owners Liability Act of Ontario.
Fire permits are required for open air burning from April 1st – October 31st. Residents may obtain a FREE Burn Permit electronically by going online at
For more information and burning regulations look under “Services/Emergency Services/Fire Department” or contact the Township of Beckwith Municipal Office.
The standard permit forms can be found below. Other forms may be required for certain projects. Application Package specific to the type of project you are proposing are available at the Township of Beckwith Municipal Office.
– A_Homeowners_Guide_to_Building_Permits_2
– Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish (2020)
– EEDS 2017 (Prescriptive) 01-Dec-2016 (FINAL)
– EEDS 2017 (Performance) 01-Dec-2016 (FINAL) (3)
– Fee Schedule Form – Effective June 1st, 2023
–By-law 2021-25 – Entrance-ways Installation
– Building_Permit_Authorization_Form
COVID-19 INFORMATION – COVID-19 Protocol for Building Permit Inspection Services
Chief Building Officials and Building Inspectors are required to perform their duties while adhering to a Code of Conduct. Code_of_Conduct_for_Building_Officials_and_Inspectors the Township of Beckwith’s Code of Conduct for it’s Building Officials and Inspectors.
Notice of Change – Soil Gas Mitigation Strategy
Notice of Building Code Changes for 2017 – Notice of Building Code Changes
All building within the Township of Beckwith is governed by the Ontario Building Code and local By-laws. Any new construction over 108 square feet, if it will be attached to an existing building or is a major renovation will require a Building Permit. In order to obtain a permit the application form must be filled out and submitted with a complete set of drawings, specification, permit fees and approvals from any other relevant agencies. The Building Department will review all items and issue a permit accordingly.
In order to avoid delays when making an application it is recommended that you pre-consult with the Building Department as well as the Planning Department as early as you can in the design stage of your project. In particular, the zoning and location of a specific property may affect the required design limitations.
After a permit has been issued, the applicant and/or property owner are responsible to notify the building department of readiness for the mandatory inspection stages. It is recommended that 2 business days notice are given prior to the inspection to ensure it is conducted when your building schedule needs it. Booking an inspection either by phone or in person is the preferred method and can be done at 2022 Beckwith Park Lane or at 613-257-1539 ext. 203 during regular office hours 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
As of January 1, 2012 an Occupancy Permit must be obtained prior to living in a newly constructed dwelling unit. In order to obtain an Occupancy Permit the construction must be substantially completed including all systems that allow the dwelling to function as it is intended. These include but are not limited to framing, insulation, siding, safety, plumbing and exterior grading.
Please feel free to contact the Chief Building Official with any questions you might have concerning building within the Township of Beckwith.
Beckwith_Building_By-law_2002-03 the Township of Beckwith’s Building By-law.
By-law_05-14_Amended_Fee_Schedule_for_Building_By-law Amended Fee Schedule of Beckwith’s Building By-law.
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Township of Beckwith passed Development Charges By-Law No. 2019-27 on the 26th day of June 2019 under section 2 (1) of the Development Charges Act, 1997, S.O. 1997 c. 27;
AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or organization may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board under section 14 of the Act, in respect of the development charges by-law, by filing with the Clerk of the Township of Beckwith on or before the 6th day of August, 2019 a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the by-law and the reasons supporting the objection.
The schedule of development charges imposed by the by-law is as follows:
RESIDENTIAL UNIT TYPE | JUNE 2019 | JUNE 2020 | JUNE 2021 | JUNE 2022 | JUNE 2023 |
Accessory dwelling or dwelling unit | $6,000 | $6,250 | $6,500 | $6,750 | $7,000 |
Converted dwelling | $6,000 | $6,250 | $6,500 | $6,750 | $7,000 |
Duplex dwelling | $6,000 | $6,250 | $6,500 | $6,750 | $7,000 |
Semi-detached dwelling | $6,000 | $6,250 | $6,500 | $6,750 | $7,000 |
Single detached dwelling | $6,000 | $6,250 | $6,500 | $6,750 | $7,000 |
Triplex dwelling | $6,000 | $6,250 | $6,500 | $6,750 | $7,000 |
Note: It is anticipated that housing starts will continue to be single detached, semi-detached, duplex and converted units, but if over the five year span of this study there are housing start for other dwelling types Table 3 of the Development Charges Study will be applied. This will result in a reduced per unit Development Charges Fee for “multiples” dwelling types, reflecting the reduced demands on municipal infrastructure.
A copy of the complete by-law is available at the Township Office, 1702 9th Line Beckwith for examination during regular business office hours. Development Charges imposed by By-Law 2019-27 apply to residential development within the Township boundaries.
Dated at the Township of Beckwith this 11th day of December 2019.
Cassandra McGregor,
Clerk Administrator
Lanark County Development Charges Pamphlet Effective Nov28-22 – 2023
2019 Final Beckwith Development Charges Study
Development Charges By-law 2019-27
Township of Beckwith Development Charges Pamphlet
2024 Development Charges Background Study
As of October 1st, 2022 Septic Approvals have transitioned from the Health Unit and will now be done through Rideau Valley Conservation Authority for the Township of Beckwith. Fee Schedule – RVCA Septic Approvals in Beckwith Township
Care__Maintenance_of_a_Sewage_System for the information on caring for your septic system. For further information, please contact the Lanark, Leeds Health Unit at 613-283-2740.
For information on the Zoning By-law or Official Plan look under “Services/Planning”, or call the Township of Beckwith Zoning Department at 613-257-1539.
Under Ontario Regulations 397/11, municipalities must submit a yearly summary report on all energy used and the corresponding greenhouse gas emissions associated with every heated building owned or operated by the municipality. The first compliance deadline was July 1st, 2013 to submit an annual report of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions for operating year 2011.
GHG_Energy_Conservation_Demand_Management_Plan for the Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan.
2018_Energy_Report for the 2018 Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report.